The OAFS primary objectives are to promote the highest degree of professionalism in the Industry and to promote best practices and safe working conditions.
The Association provides a collective voice in matters of common concern and allows liaison with other construction associations. Through this Association, we work to influence government agencies and other owners of construction towards fairer contract conditions and more realistic specifications.
The Association aims to educate our members and to disseminate information with respect to all matters relating to their business.
Our Association is also heavily engaged in the promotion of safety on the jobsite and in working on development of safe working practices and in the training of personnel for our Industry.
The Association also forms a constituent group within the Employer Bargaining Agency that deals with the Operating Engineers Ontario-wide Local No. 793. We actively promote harmonious labour relations in the Industry and assist members in the general application, administration and interpretation of collective agreements.
We provide our members with Association-approved General Conditions applicable to tenders and the agreement between the tenderer and the client.
We promote entrance of qualified personnel into our Industry by sponsoring scholarships at Ontario Community Colleges and Universities.